The Desert Art Institute
Instructor: David Eskenazi
The second-year studio sequence focuses on the internal organization of an architectural project, and the relationship of that interior to the physical and cultural context in which the project is located. Building on the rigorous analyses and transformations of geometry undertaken in the first-year of the core, the 2A design studio introduces students to diagrams as conceptual and geometric structures that organize form and program into coherent, speculative building proposals, opening a dialogue on buildings as expressions of disciplinary positions that continues through to the fifth-year thesis project. Through lectures, precedent analysis and specific drawing and modeling techniques, students are introduced to a range of spatial and programmatic ordering systems. An iterative series of diagrammatic exercises allows them to test these models against the studio brief. From this foundation, students develop and argue for a specific approach to the architectural interior in which multiple of these strategies of organizing form and program are superposed, challenging spatial and functional distinctions such as object/field and program/circulation.

Precedent Study
The Free University of Berlin is a research university located in Berlin, and it’s one of the most prominent universities in Germany. It is internationally known for its research in the humanities and social sciences, as well as in the Field of natural and life sciences. The school was designed in a way to have a horizontal system of communications rather than vertical, so in this way students and professors would be more interact with each other through out the day. In the sections below this idea is easy to perceive. The main idea behind this project was to examine how a system horizontal distributed objects would originally produce a centralized system, in which all programs are connected, and work together as a group.
![Superimposed 2(+) [Converted].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f3dc9f43e57146315bfbba0/4e77c52f-fd47-4a8c-90a4-1b6bb8d955e8/Superimposed+2%28%2B%29+%5BConverted%5D.jpg)
![Vector (+) [Converted].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f3dc9f43e57146315bfbba0/3752ce05-2a47-4bf9-b68c-6e653cc910c9/Vector+%28%2B%29+%5BConverted%5D.jpg)

The Desert Art Institute
Exploring architecture that transforms Geology to Geometry. A Geometry that produces a circulation, and a circulation that has a logic. The cracked incision in the middle separates and shatters the figures which provides a hallway organization. This hallway organization produces the main circulation, which separates in public and private circulation. The wider the gap is the more public the circulation become. The Logic of the circulation is to gather the figures to a central node, in which each program works separately, but they all work together overall as a system.

Model Photos