Coding Form
In Collaboration With Elias Ahmadi, Abel Maqueira
Instructors: Satoru Sugihara
Coding Form seminar introduces computational design mindset and provides versatile computation skills through various Grasshopper plug-ins and Gh Python coding. The seminar starts with a quick introduction of regular Grasshopper for beginners and then moves on to work with various Grasshopper plug-ins including LunchBox, Weaverbird, and Kangaroo. In each session, students are expected to understand each tool’s strength, weakness, and a certain type of tendency of design works generated from it. After that, the seminar teaches the basics of coding in Python such as variables, iterations, and conditioning.
Coding Geometry
Later the ideas go through various general computational algorithms and algorithms for 3D vector operation and geometric manipulation on Python coding on Grasshopper to acquire a fundamental understanding of computation.