City of Parts
In Collaboration With Sally Lwin and Chuwen Ong
Instructor: Devyn Weiser
For the past few years in architectural discourse we find ourselves among many revivals, historicism and post-modernism, digital and systems design, the re-emergence and various materialisms. In a time of unprecedented reduplications, to make the next move will require the construction of an apparatus of fiction. A new ontology of representation and redefinition of the concept of authorship. Neither mimetic nor semiotic, representation may be understood as a system of exchanges that takes place within objects themselves. This new generic orientation emerges from a critique of both overmining (explaining objects in terms of their roles in relational structures) and undermining (explaining objects in terms of their constituent parts). In support of this discourse on Appropriation and Representation the studio will work with a drawing and imaging apparatus that involves both digital and analog processes. Defamiliarizing the ways in which images and objects are constructed and perceived, this visual regime has the potential for a new architectural syntax.The studio embraces the demise of dialectical and dualistic thought. Without the dialectical model of synthesizing opposite viewpoints, this design paradigm seeks to interrupt and corrupt the computer’s predilection and capacity for blending, interfacing, and translation. Designers will work in what are assumed to be adverse genres, without synthesis, to invert the usual relationships between form and content and as a way to originate new originals.

Superpositions | No.1 Poultry
For the first half of the semester projects were developed in parallel using custom scripts for Drawing. Through the selection and combination of view-ports, parts of No.1 Poultry, were explored. Each view port generated a new re-visionary architectural reading of the original parts. This generated a catalog of parts, which inspected a new taxonomy. Through the combination of view points, and various line type thickness, new readings of the parts were explored further. This challenged the part to have to generate graphical representation of the original parts, producing new wholes from individual parts, which challenged the part to whole relationship.

Robot House | Back Stage

City of Parts
The city of parts were generated through volumizing the graphical parts that challenges the fundamental techniques of extrusion, which produced strong taxonomy within the figures. These figures explored new extreme types of seriality, which generated set of morphologies explored through stacking and nesting. These parts further tend to explore new gestalt, which produce pristine set of wholes out of parts through nesting and stacking. The new whole tend to generate an autonomous urbanistic taxonomy within each other throughout the city, while fitting into the context of London, offering variety of programs throughout the financial district.